Latest CV
(updated 01/05/2019)
Instability-triggered Oscillations of Active Microfilaments
Dynamical Effects of Accelerometer Misalignment Assumptions on GRACE
Application of Discrete Exterior Calculus on Exact Conservation Finite Element Methods
(co)fiber sequences and π_3(S^2)
Taking derivatives of eigenvalues gave me more headaches than I thought. If you are dumb like me, read this.
2D Discrete Inverse Spectral Problem
project page
SoCalFluids XII (2018) slides
APS DFD 2017 / March Meeting 2018 improved slides
for UT Math Club: Lusternik-Schnirelmann category and its cousins, UT Austin Spring 2016
DRP: (co)fiber sequences and π_3(S^2), UT Austin Fall 2015
Long, medium, and short notes (very rough, for a better version see above)
Dynamical effects of ACC misalignment for GRACE, Phase I progress report, CSR Summer 2015
DRP: What is Persistent Homology?, UT Austin Spring 2015
DRP: Cohomology of Projective Spaces, UT Austin Fall 2014
DRP: Classification of Du Val Singularities, UT Austin Spring 2014
Here is a lifting pun.
Here is a catzilla invasion.
Here is an astronaut confused about gravity.
Here is where I would like to work.
And click here for something completely different:
If I were Springer-Verlag Graduate Texts in Mathematics,
I would be a combination of the following according to the questionnaire...

Robin Hartshorne's Algebraic Geometry

Saunders Mac Lane's Categories for the Working Mathematician

William S. Massey's A Basic Course in Algebraic Topology

W.B.R. Lickorish's An Introduction to Knot Theory

J.-P. Serre's Linear Representations of Finite Groups
So I suppose I should go ahead to keep working on my skills in AG, AT and cats then learn more Knot theory and Rep theory to fulfill my destiny!