List of concepts that I would like to understand better
Updated 06/23/2016
In no particular order:
algebra, cats, AT, AG, reps, and mathematical physics...
- (bousfield) localization
- why every concept is Kan
- A,E,L,H infinity algebras
- Hilbert scheme of points
- Syzygies
- Koszul duality
- Clifford algebra
- singular supports, regular singularities, and other D-modules stuff that I know how to say but not what to think
- (special) Lagrangians
- Chern class etc.this helped
- (Hyper) Kaehler and symplectic quotients
- topos and motives
- more Morse theory
- chevalley groups => chevalley eilenberg complex => lie group cohomology
- Fourier-Mukai
- Mackey functors
- Quivers
- moduli problems
- LS category and systole
- pointless topology
- (complete) (co-) Heyting algebra
- GIT quotients
- geometric mechanics
- AS index theorem
Geometric Topology
- Gauge theory for this purpose
- mapping class groups, surface groups...
- Dehn, torus surgery; handle slides ...
- ((8 aspects of) Poincare) homology sphere
- triangulation conj, (smooth) embeddabilities
Dynamics, analysis
- discrete laplacian and discrete heat kernels
- maneuverability
- wavelets
- harmonic analysis
- calculus of variations and more functional analysis
Combinatorics, algorithms and other applied math
- generating functions
- actually coding of sorts (RadixSort, MergeSort esp.)
- sheaf theory, topology and signal processing
- homotopy continuation
Philosophy and other
- post-structuralism
- Bernhard Karlgren, a.k.a. 高本汉, old and middle Chinese
- gleich, bald, später, nachher
- gate gate paragate para-sam-gate bodhi svaha