La passion de Jeanne d'Arc (1928)

14 Apr 2015

thought provoking thinking
empathy and sympathy

fresh perspective

excellent camera work
immersive atmosphere
ethereal cinematography
beautiful scenes
transcendent use of color and/or shadow

untraceable (natural) acting


I don’t think i can give much constructive comments on this classic… the acting is very revealing. and the camera work is very brave… and it worked!

one thing I do want to say is that, maybe it is because of the stigma associated with all classic masterpieces, no one (that I could find easily) would dare to remix a sounded version of this film. But I have to say that this film is just simply requires someone to do just that! All the later composed soundtracks are great (the version I saw is in this new composition done by some chicago orchestra with many effects instead of just pure music. it was refreshing and to the point at places, but feel unfitting at others. I also heard the more mainstream sound of light or whatever it’s named version, which is very good music. but nothing much more to that.), but you have to be able to take the full on effects of the acting without being forced to retract and read title cards every so often (maybe one day when I get better with my french it may become easier… but jeez.).